Become a TSA agent in VR! Your goal: no bag or person can be left unchecked. Only when they show you their papers you are allowed to let them through. Time to get frisky in virtual reality!
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TSA Frisky VR is a TSA agent simulator for the HTC Vive where you have to frisk people, search in bags and check passports to see if they are allowed to go through. In this VR game you can’t let anything weird pass or you won’t make employee of the month. Can’t slow down either, because there’s a time limit and you can’t have people wait too long. This game reminds us a lot of the Papers Please video game – except that this VR game is less grimm and more playful.
► Get TSA Frisky VR here (free demo available) →
[Steam Description]
You are a TSA agent striving to earn the honor of employee of the month, and no bag or person can be left unchecked in this time crunch challenge. Manage the lines efficiently so you don’t delay flights!
[Winner last giveaway of Killing Floor: Incursion]
Ana K. from Slovenia – Congrats! We’ve sent you the key through mail 🙂
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A special thanks to our Patreon SUPERHEROES for their amazing support ❤:
– Daniel L.
Much love,
Cas and Chary VR
#TSAFrisky #HTCVive #TSA #PapersPlease
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